We are in a time of great crisis in our country and our world. Our country is crumbling before our very eyes, something we have never faced before. In most cases people come to a point of despair and helplessness before they turn their lives fully over to God. I know this because it has happened in my own life years ago.
At this time in our lives, today, we need God more than ever. Lord I need you. Oh boy, do I need you!
Certainty and safety has been replaced by fear and the unknown, which leads to anxiety. Just as the poker player goes ‘all in’ and bets everything on the cards in his hand, we need to be ‘all in’ with God — certain that he will be victorious, in our world, in our country and in our own hearts today, tomorrow and forever.
I am taking this current situation one hour at a time. When I get through one hour, I focus on the next, and then the next.
Every hour I need you God. You are the Great Defender. You are all I have. You are all I have ever had. Oh God, how I need you.
“Lord, I need you, oh, I need you.
Every hour I need you.
My one defense, my righteousness;
oh, God, how I need you.”